Rust Removal
Contrary to popular belief, pressure washing and bleach does not remove rust. In fact bleach can exacerbate the rust issue and actually make it much worse than the original problem. Rust stain removal must performed with specialty chemicals (typically acid based) and applied by an expert. Each and every rust stain is a bit different, some may be caused by fertilizer, some by iron-water stains, and some even by rusting metal elements. Just as the cause of each stain may vary, each stain also needs to treated a bit differently. Our Spray Wash Technicians can test each scenario and give a professional opinion regarding the removal of the stains.
Rust Removal Examples
Grafitti Removal
Graffiti or “tagging” can be a nuisance to businesses. These acts of vandalism can lower property values and negatively impact commerce. At Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning, we are experts at removing graffiti issues. Using industry specific chemicals, the proper application techniques, and the proper equipment we can usually erase these marks left by vandals. In fact several governmental entities use Spray Wash for graffiti removal on a monthly basis.